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Auction update from Andy Conde - 29th March 2016

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Around the country, we are seeing conversion rates holding firm at a very healthy level. The expected book adjustment for April is 2% and obviously some will dip more than others will but the demand thankfully is still there and this week we are seeing buyers still giving well over cap clean for the right product.

The Easter break has given everyone a well-earned breather and we are starting with lighter nights and longer days (if they can get any longer!).

Assessments of our first intake of Auctioneer Academics take place on 15th April with most of them already trying out the rostrum in anticipation of flying solo. They are doing a great job and growing in confidence week by week.

One of them asked me how I could quantify them becoming a talented auctioneer and after a bit of thinking time, it’s a case of being brave, having belief that you will sell every lot offered, creating an atmosphere, enjoying yourself...and most of all be a bid maker and not a bid taker!

This mantra can be used by all of us in whatever area of the business we work in, as the next couple of months will be something of a challenge with vendors expecting top prices and high conversion rates and buyers wanting to buy everything at reduced prices.

In March, we have seen several records broken for units sold at our auction centres, this is testimony to the great work around the group and everyone involved can feel very proud of the fantastic achievements they have accomplished.

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