
Buying Options

Whatever vehicle you're looking for, chances are you'll find it here at Manheim

Our auction centres are open for appointment based viewings or open two hours prior to an auction at our physical selling centres. There you'll find a vast selection of high quality vehicles. These are available to buy at auction direct from manufacturers, rental or leasing companies, main dealers, local authorities, even the general public.

To help make finding the type of vehicle you want as straightforward as possible, we've divided our auctions into four simple-to-understand categories.

Manufacturer auctions

These auctions offer vehicles direct from major motor manufacturers themselves and can be either exclusively limited to buyers from the motor trade (we call these closed auctions), or open to all (we call these our open auctions).

Online and in-lane auctions, every week of the year
We host over 120 daily and evening auctions in-lane and all online every month, with tens of thousands of high quality cars, vans, trucks and more all available to buy with the raise of a hand or the click of a button.

If you're unsure about which type an auction is, you can easily check by calling our Buyer Services team on 0333 136 1750

Dealer auctions

Vehicles in our dealer auctions are mainly part-exchange or surplus stock, available at auction direct from dealers.

Manheim's dealer auctions are open auctions, so buyers from the trade can attend and bid. You'll always find full details of our dealer auctions listed on the auction schedules for each of Manheim's auction centres.

All vehicles are inspected and graded. Find out more here
Before vehicles are made available at any Manheim car auction, they have already been examined by one of our qualified vehicle inspectors, and graded according to its condition. We use recognised NAMA (National Association of Motor Auctions) Grading Definitions. Find out more about grading here >

To begin, our inspector will stand two metres away from the vehicle and take a series of digital photographs at an angle of 90 degrees, plus or minus 45 degrees.

Points are awarded only when damage is visible from this angle and a vehicle’s final grade is determined by the total number of points awarded during our inspection.

Digital photographs are taken whenever any areas of significant damage are spotted and these images can be viewed online, along with our Inspector’s appraisal.
Virtual Auction
NAMA definitions fully explained

Before a vehicle is made available at any Manheim auction centre, it will have already been examined by one of our qualified vehicle inspectors, and graded according to its condition. We use recognised NAMA (National Association of Motor Auctions) grading definitions to determine any damage - the standard grading scheme for motor auctions.

Grading vehicles according to NAMA standards means that we can make it easier for buyers to select the vehicles they want to purchase, safe in the knowledge that the vehicle is in the condition stated in the inspection report. The grading scheme is especially useful for buyers who need extra transparency when looking to buy online.

The scheme has 5 grades which are based on the external condition of a vehicle. The grades are determined on a points system allocated by type and severity of damage. Grades are assessed by inspectors at each auction specifically trained to grade vehicles and working to a strict standard.

NAMA grading for cars explained

NAMA grading for LCVs explained

Fleet auctions

Fleet vehicles are sent direct to our auctions from major leasing and finance companies.

These auctions are attended by a mixture of trade buyers and are referred to as open auctions. All Manheim fleet auctions are listed on our centre pages and within our catalogues & events, showing the date, time and seller.

Find out all about Manheim's award-winning Simulcast
Using our award-winning Simulcast system, trade buyers and sellers can now have live auctions broadcast over the internet to their mobile phone, tablet or PC. This innovative technology lets buyers and sellers see and hear all the action on their screens, as if they were standing right there in the hall.

Users of Simulcast can even watch several auctions at once and communicate with the auctioneer in real-time using instant messaging. They can also make bids online with a single click or screen stroke, and compete for stock with buyers who are physically present at the auction.

Best of all, this can be done from almost any location in the UK, as Simulcast broadcasts live auctions to mobiles, tablets and PCs on forecourts, service bays, sales offices, even 30,000 ft up in the air to a plane. Yes, really!

Already registered? Enter Simulcast here >

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For more answers to the questions you want resolving, take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions.


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