Peace of Mind? Check
We know you don’t buy vehicles to bring them back, but unfortunately sometimes problems do happen. SureCheck is our promise to you that if we said its right, and you find its not, then we’ll fix it – free of charge*.
Manheim SureCheck gives you peace of mind for your vehicle purchase. Our gold level cover has the most comprehensive component coverage of any assurance product in the industry. So, when you see the SureCheck logo on a vehicle be it car, LCV or CDV, you’ll know it’s undergone a thorough inspection by our IMI-approved and NAMA-accredited inspectors.
New, SureCheck EV
Our latest SureCheck coverage
Our SureCheck coverage now includes Electric Vehicles (EVs). This positive adaptation of our SureCheck product aligns with the increasing popularity of environmentally friendly vehicles. The new coverage is designed to provide you with an enhanced level of confidence in your purchases, especially for EV and hybrid cars and vans, reflecting our commitment to meeting the evolving needs of the market.
One of the key features of our new SureCheck EV product is the inclusion of full transmission cover, which stands out as Industry Leading along with our 7 days to claim process.
View all EV coverage
SureCheck Car
Offering you four levels of cover
SureCheck Cars comes in four levels of cover, Bronze, Silver, Gold and EV, and our inspection reports are available for you to consult online and in the auction lanes before you make your bid.
SureCheck LCV
Tailored for commercial vehicles
SureCheck LCV offers the same peace of mind and market-leading claims process, but the inspection process and component list has been adapted to suit the nuances of commercial vehicles including EV and hybrid models.
Simple and efficient claims process
We're here to help
With the SureCheck app, you can create and submit a claim simply and quickly, 24/7, Upload images, videos and information to support your claim. Receive a guaranteed reply within 48 hours and get in touch to receive updates all on your phone, wherever you are. The SureCheck app is by far the easiest and fastest way to let us know about any issues you have with your vehicle. It’s all about giving you the peace of mind that if something goes wrong, we’ll make it right.
- • Add information and images anytime, anywhere with the SureCheck app
- • Call 01279 400 526 to speak directly to a member of our team
- • Text SureCheck to 88802 for easy, direct contact
SureCheck costs
The cost of SureCheck depends on your Manheim buyer account type. For costs and to see all of your account benefits, please click the button below.
View costsTerms and conditions
Manheim SureCheck is subject to Manheim's standard terms and conditions of business and the SureCheck terms and conditions.
SureCheck terms. Standard terms. FAQ